Formaldehyde Testing
Formaldehyde is a commonly used chemical compound that exists in various forms and -- at room temperature -- is a colorless, distinctive, strong and even pungent smelling, flammable, and gaseous substance. Currently, formaldehyde testing methods include using a Georgia-Pacific (GP) Dynamic Testing Chamber to test for the amount of formaldehyde emitted from wood. We replicate a large GP Dynamic Testing Chamber with our specialized instruments in a humidity-controlled, customized small test chamber. These test results are highly accurate and save money for clients by working on a smaller scale.
Formaldehyde has been used in a number of industries for various purposes such as:
manufacturing building materials
- pressed wood products
(mostly as an adhesive resin)
- pressed wood products
- fiber board
- plywood
Since Formaldehyde is a by-product of combustion and other inherent processes, it can be found in significant concentrations and in various environments. As a result, agencies and programs, including the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), CARB, the European Union, LEED and other green building programs, reference the ASTM D6007 and ASTM E1333 test methods for measuring formaldehyde emissions and determining compliance.
At Mid Continent Testing Laboratories, we have the ability in our material testing lab to perform formaldehyde testing on wood samples to ensure your wood materials meet the formaldehyde emissions requirements for composite wood.
Our GP Dynamic Microchamber use the same test methods that are used by the composite wood products industry to measure emissions of formaldehyde from plywood, particle board and medium-density fiberboard (MDF), commonly known as CARB testing. Formaldehyde testing is conducted in environmental chambers operated at defined product loading, temperature and relative humidity.
Manufacturers of finished products that contain composite wood materials can have testing conducted on raw materials or even on finished products. However, suppliers of the finished products have also started formaldehyde on products imported from other countries.
If you have any questions or are looking for more detailed information about how our GP Dynamic Microchamber can meet your formaldehyde testing needs, please feel free to contact us or give us a call at 605-348-0111.